Rational drug use of nurses [Hemşirelerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı]
Rational drug use of nurses [Hemşirelerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı] Şahingöz, Mehtap; Balcı, Elçin AIM: At this study to be aimed to assess status of the knowledge of nurses who working in public and private health institutions in Sivas province use of medication fort he treatment during their illnesses and patients and the attitudes of rational drug application. METHOD: The researc planned to attend 750 nurses but it has been completed with participation of 641 nurses (Reaching rate 85,5%). This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. in the study data were collected with a questionaire, percentages stated and chi square test was used for analysis. RESULTS: %95,3 of nurses were females and mean age of them 29.21±4.85 years. The rate of contacting a doktor in case of illness is higher in 39.1% of nurses in the 21-30 age group and 48.6% of nurses working in primary care institutions. The level of self-treating is higher in 45.5 % of nurses working less than a year in profession.İn the case of illness, 53% of nurses stated that they had left the medicine when signs of disease over. %98.8 of nurses expressed that they know effects of drugs used and 99.1% of them stated they know the side effects of drugs used. The entire group of postgraduate education status stated that they have not received the drug recommended by others. The level of suggesting a drug to someone else fort he same disease is higher in 65.8% of the group 31 years and older and group working over 40 hours per week. İt were determined that used in consultation with the physician 65.2% of nurses antibiotics, 87.5% of them weiht loss drug and 82.7% of them contraceptive. 99.5% of the nurses have expressed that they inform to patients about use of their medications. Among the issues that expressed informations took place the application form of drugs (51.0 %)and information of need to consult one if deemed one unexpected effect (59.6%). Also has been identified that of nurses acquired inform about drugs from drug book (vademecum) (87.5 %) and they save the remaining drugs in their home at the refrigator (50.9 %). CONCLUSION: Nurses who in young age group and have high education level more sensitive on rational drug use.
![Rational drug use of nurses [Hemşirelerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı]](https://apsidat.com/uploads/images/2023/04/image_750x_642a0f47d1011.jpg)
Rational drug use of nurses [Hemşirelerin akılcı ilaç kullanımı] Şahingöz, Mehtap; Balcı, Elçin AIM: At this study to be aimed to assess status of the knowledge of nurses who working in public and private health institutions in Sivas province use of medication fort he treatment during their illnesses and patients and the attitudes of rational drug application. METHOD: The researc planned to attend 750 nurses but it has been completed with participation of 641 nurses (Reaching rate 85,5%). This is a descriptive and cross-sectional study. in the study data were collected with a questionaire, percentages stated and chi square test was used for analysis. RESULTS: %95,3 of nurses were females and mean age of them 29.21±4.85 years. The rate of contacting a doktor in case of illness is higher in 39.1% of nurses in the 21-30 age group and 48.6% of nurses working in primary care institutions. The level of self-treating is higher in 45.5 % of nurses working less than a year in profession.İn the case of illness, 53% of nurses stated that they had left the medicine when signs of disease over. %98.8 of nurses expressed that they know effects of drugs used and 99.1% of them stated they know the side effects of drugs used. The entire group of postgraduate education status stated that they have not received the drug recommended by others. The level of suggesting a drug to someone else fort he same disease is higher in 65.8% of the group 31 years and older and group working over 40 hours per week. İt were determined that used in consultation with the physician 65.2% of nurses antibiotics, 87.5% of them weiht loss drug and 82.7% of them contraceptive. 99.5% of the nurses have expressed that they inform to patients about use of their medications. Among the issues that expressed informations took place the application form of drugs (51.0 %)and information of need to consult one if deemed one unexpected effect (59.6%). Also has been identified that of nurses acquired inform about drugs from drug book (vademecum) (87.5 %) and they save the remaining drugs in their home at the refrigator (50.9 %). CONCLUSION: Nurses who in young age group and have high education level more sensitive on rational drug use.